Friday 25 June 2010

Ancient times - the nineties

The other week I found myself on the way to a friend's house party in an unknown part of town. Stepping out of thwe tube station I pulled out my blackberry, typed in my friend's address and followed the directions given to me like a loyal puppy. Fast forward 10 minutes and I found myself lost, my phone had died and not only took away the map (which led me into the wrong direction anyway)but alos every phone number of any friend I have. Sad and lost amongst strangers and scary mental people that kept trying to touch my alabaster skin (I don't blame them )I couldn't help but wonder: How on earth did we cope before mobile phones and sat nav on the go?

It seems decades ago that I received my first Nokia 5110 mobile phone at the tender age of 14 (or was I 13?)and by now I have forgotten what it was like before. Did we use smoke signs or maybe even written letters?
No, we agreed a time and place verbally and face-to-face and then, oh wonder, actually showed up at the agreed time and place. In a way, though technology is great in many ways, it has made us freaking lazy and unreliable. Not me though, thanks to my solid German genes that programmed me to always be 10 minutes early for everything I managed to preserve my unshakable reliability - Many thanks to my Prussian heritage ;-)

Wednesday 24 March 2010

The art of egg blowing

Another year, another Easter celebration. An extra two days off work, plenty of time to eat, shop and hopefully enjoy the weather in a park near you. Talking about the happy Easter time to a mate of mine a few days ago I happened to mention the German tradition of egg blowing.Yes, I know this sounds kind of, well...., it sounds very dirty. To be honest it is rather messy, sticky and takes a certain amount of lung capacity and sensitiveness. However, it is just what it says on the tin - the blowing of an egg. It is done as part of the decoration process and describes the act of putting two holes in each end of an egg followed by the 'blowing out' of the yolk and egg white. Aim is to have an empty but intact shell which is then painted and hung on trees. Children allover Germany do this in nursery and primary school as part of the curriculum and the art of 'blowing' (and egg that is) should never be underestimated. So this Easter why don't you do something different with your kids and teach how to blow properly. It's fun for the whole family.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

That problem with being 'not rich'

So I had to witness yet another report on GMTV this morning about a cab driver in the midlands winning the Euro million. Don't get me wrong, I am sure these people deserve the money as much as any working/middle class family but I can't help but feel...well......incredibly furious and jealous.

See, I play the bloody Euro million every week in the hope that one day I can give in to the overwhelming wish and urgency to be absolutely and entirely fucking lazy. So I admit it, I don't work because I enjoy the office banter, bad coffee and unholy hours. I do it because like 99% of people on this planet I simply do not have any choice.

If it was down to me I'd spent my days sleeping till noon, going to gyms, dance classes and shopping and occasionally get a facial. Say what you want but that just sound like a bloody awesome life does it not?

I even have a solution for the eventual boredom that is likely to creep up at some point. I'd simply go back to uni to get yet another degree. Maybe in arts or dance or history - who knows but at least I'd have fun.

At the end of the day life is bloody short, too short in fact and I can't help but feel utterly depressed at the thought of spending my precious 'pretty' years stuck behind a desk, staring at a wall.


Friday 21 August 2009

the problem with religion

Everyone who knows me also knows I am a strong atheist.I reject the notion of god or any gods, I reject the idea that higher powers or creature provide us with meaning and I reject the idea of any kind of after life.

And there lies the issue I have with religion in general. Most belief systems teach of an after life, one or more gods (higher beings)and rules to follow so that the after life can be secured as a 'positive' one. I do recognize that religion has provided the basis for modern society, for rules of living and the framework for a functioning society based on a set principles. I also realize that people crave and need religion as a means of creating hope and purpose. That is were the problem lies. For me the concept of religion symbolizes the arrogance, ignorance and narcissism of the human condition. We cannot, we will not accept that we, being so smart, highly developed and equipped with self-awareness and free will, have in fact no greater purpose to fulfill.
Too full of ourselves we are convinced that we are better than all other creatures with our 'souls'. We refuse to accept that our time is limited and our existence merely temporary and without purpose. So the human being creates purpose, creates meaning by establishing gods, after life and the conviction that our essence simply has to continue existing after we have passed because we are too good, too special and too meaningful to simply disappear.

It is pathetic really, a desperate attempt of an arrogant and self-involved creature to 'talk' themselves up, make themselves important and feed their superiority complex.
because what are we if not superior to all other beings on this earth right?
Wrong! Not only is religion a lie we tell ourselves and our children to ease the pain that the knowledge of a short and overall meaningless life span brings. It is also one of the main reasons and triggers for most of the major and most violent wars in history. An excuse to slaughter each other in the name of religion and varying beliefs. It separates us, it feeds us lies and nourishes our arrogance, racism and cockiness. Maybe it is time we get off our high horses and accept that our existence is not predestined but simply the result of biological development and evolution. Maybe it is time that we accept that everything has an end and that includes ours, irrevocably.

Monday 29 June 2009

Teen cops vs USA

Since my mate is currently roadtripping through the great States of A. I feel obliged to mention this awesome website he pulled out in a second. Containing a blog, video diary and pictures I expect to see A LOT! (Stay decent though Max will ya?)
Good luck and have fun - I am forever jealous of that wicked vacation.
For website click here